Overmolded Cable Assemblies
Overmolded cable assemblies are a complete assembly that seamlessly combines
the various parts of the cable and connector to meet customer needs. The
overmolding process involves injecting molten material into a mold cavity that,
when cooled, conforms to the desired shape. In almost every sector and
application, molded cable assemblies are widely used while being able to resist
the rigors of the most challenging settings. Is a UL & ISO certified overmolded
cable assembly manufacturer you can trust.
KABOE manufactures a wide range of cable assemblies and wiring harness products
in a variety of styles and finishes. At we make assembly produced using
multi-core cords that give the client the exact number type and size of the
cores to fit their requirements. Rugged cables are our special expertise. With
extensive experience in the development and construction of fully sealed potted
and overmolded cable assemblies to satisfy your specific needs.
包覆成型過程利用熔融材料注入到模具中,該模型在冷卻時符合所需的形狀。 包覆成型電纜組件已廣泛的使用在每個領域和應用中,同時能夠抵禦最富挑戰性環境的嚴峻考驗。
通過 UL 和 ISO認證,提供專業的包覆成型電纜組件/一體成型連接線,絕對是您可以信賴的的製造商。
我們的包覆成型電纜組件可以為某些最惡劣的環境,溫度,化學或醫療場所的關鍵電源應用提供幫助。 我們還協助客戶克服機械耐久性要求。
此外也一直在尋找堅固耐用的線束的最佳替代品,這使我們能夠不斷投資最新的成型技術。 我們可以生產模製零件,以快速,經濟高效地密封並保護設備上的重要連接點。